Getting Started

Update a Temporary Password (video)

Learn what to do when you log in for the first time and the system states, "You must change your password to proceed."
Update a Temporary Password (video)

When your new account is created (and whenever you request a password reset), you’ll receive a temporary DHS Learning password.

Watch: Update a Temporary Password

After you log in with the temporary password, the system will automatically prompt you to change it before moving forward.

  1. Enter your temporary password in the Current password field.
  2. Choose your new password:
    • It must be at least six characters long.
    • It must include at least one number, one lowercase letter and one capital letter.
    • Choose a password that you will remember but can’t be guessed by others.
  3. Carefully enter your new password in the New password field.
  4. Carefully re-enter your new password in the New password (again) field.
  5. Select the Save changes button.
The DHS Learning Change Password block, displaying the message, "You must change your password to proceed", with the "Current password", "New password", "New password (again)" fields and "Save changes" button highlighted.

You are now logged in and can find and enroll in courses!

First-time Users:

All new DHS learners are automatically enrolled in the course Mandatory Reporting of Abuse and Maltreatment, and it will appear under Recent Learning along with any other training you’re enrolled in (although there may be a short delay before you can access all your available courses). Simply click a course name to open it and begin!

If you can’t find a specific course you need after one hour, please contact the Help Desk for course enrollment help.
