Getting Started

Reset a Lost Password (video)

These days, you probably have tons of accounts and passwords to keep track of. Never fear! If you forget your password, you can reset it through the system using your uNumber.
Reset a Lost Password (video)

If you already have an account but lose track of your password, don’t panic. The DHS Learning system has you covered—all you need is your username.

Remember: Your username is almost always your uNumber (make sure the “u” is lowercase!)

(Contractors—your username is most likely your CTR email address)

Watch: Reset a Lost Password

Note: The LMS’s password reset email might be blocked by some email programs. If this happens and you don’t receive a password reset link within 20 minutes of requesting it, please contact the Help Desk at or 405-521-2580.

Be sure to include your uNumber on all correspondence.

To Request a Password Reset Link:

  1. Go to the DHS Learning login page.
  2. Select the Forgotten your username or password? link below the username and password fields.
The DHS Learning login page, highlighting the "Forgotten your username or password?" link
  1. Enter your Username in the Search by username section and select Search.
    Note: if you are a DHS employee, your username is the letter “u” (lowercase) plus your u-number (example: u23456).
  2. Check your email for a message from and click the included link (or copy/paste it into your browser) to reset your password.
  3. Log in and begin learning!

The LMS’s password reset email might be blocked by some email programs. If this happens and you don’t receive a password reset link within 20 minutes, please contact the Help Desk at or 405-521-2580.

Be sure to include your uNumber on all correspondence.

The DHS LMS password reset block, with the "Username" field and the "Search" button highlighted