If you already have an account but lose track of your password, don’t panic. The DHS Learning system has you covered—all you need is your username.
Remember: Your username is almost always your uNumber (make sure the “u” is lowercase!)
(Contractors—your username is most likely your CTR email address)
Watch: Reset a Lost Password
Note: The LMS’s password reset email might be blocked by some email programs. If this happens and you don’t receive a password reset link within 20 minutes of requesting it, please contact the Help Desk at help@oucpm.org or 405-521-2580.
Be sure to include your uNumber on all correspondence.
To Request a Password Reset Link:
- Go to the DHS Learning login page.
- Select the Forgotten your username or password? link below the username and password fields.
- Enter your Username in the Search by username section and select Search.
Note: if you are a DHS employee, your username is the letter “u” (lowercase) plus your u-number (example: u23456). - Check your okdhs.org email for a message from noreply@okdhslearning.org and click the included link (or copy/paste it into your browser) to reset your password.
- Log in and begin learning!
The LMS’s password reset email might be blocked by some email programs. If this happens and you don’t receive a password reset link within 20 minutes, please contact the Help Desk at help@oucpm.org or 405-521-2580.
Be sure to include your uNumber on all correspondence.