Getting Started

Get Started with a New Account

Are you a new DHS Employee? Check if you already have a DHS Learning account, or (if you know your uNumber and PeopleSoft ID) you can request a new account to begin learning right away.
Get Started with a New Account

Welcome aboard!

You may already have a DHS Learning LMS account—check your email inbox for a message from containing your username and a temporary password.

If you’ve received the email, you’re ready to log in and begin learning.

If you don’t have an account yet, we can help!

Request an Account:

Hopefully, you already know your uNumber and your PeopleSoft ID (the unique number that connects you to DHS’s HR database—it’ll be printed on your timesheet once it’s available), which you must provide before we can add your account to the DHS Learning system.

Once you have it, email the following information to the DHS Learning Help Desk:

  • PeopleSoft ID
  • uNumber
  • Full name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Job Title
  • Service Area
  • County

Contractors—provide your contractor email address instead of a PeopleSoft ID.

Here’s an example—copy the following into your email and update with your own information (send to


I’m a new DHS employee and I need a DHS Learning LMS account.

PeopleSoft ID: 000000
uNumber: u123456
Full name: Laura Learner
Phone number: 405-000-0000
Job Title: [Job title here]
Department: [Service area here]
County: [County here]

Thank you,
Laura Learner

Once you’re in the system (it may take up to one business day to process your request), you’ll receive an email containing your account information.

Access the LMS through your internet browser at

DHS Learning LMS login page, with the Username field, Password field, and Log In button highlighted.

Next: Log in to DHS Learning (video)

Getting into the system should be easy right? This article will get you signed in fast, ready for your first courses!
