Getting Started

Missing your Password Reset Email?

If you requested a password reset but didn't receive an email reply, the Help Desk can reset your password manually.
Missing your Password Reset Email?

The system’s password reset email might be blocked by some email programs. If this happens and you don’t receive an email from with instructions on how to reset your password, the LMS Help Desk can help!

Email your full name and uNumber to the Help Desk with “DHS Learning password reset” in the email subject line.

Contractors: if you don’t have a uNumber, provide your contractor email address (the one you use to log in) instead.

Here’s an example you can copy into your email, update with your own information, and send to


My name is Laura Learner, u123456. Please reset my DHS Learning password.

Thank you,


The Help team will send you a temporary password within one business day.

Return to the DHS Learning login page when you’re ready to log in.
