Many Forums ask you to add a new discussion topic as one of the requirements to get credit for the activity.
Watch: Add a New Discussion Topic
- On the Forum activity page, select the Add a new discussion topic button.

- Choose the discussion topic settings:
- Subject: enter a brief description of your topic (required).
This will be displayed as the discussion title on the main forum page. - Message: enter the main text of your post (required).
Remember to review the instructions at the top of the page for guidance on what to include in your post. - Discussion subscription: if checked, you’ll receive notifications whenever someone posts a reply to your topic.
This setting is often locked so learners can’t unsubscribe. - Attachment: if applicable, upload a file to accompany your post (optional).
You can either (a) click/drag your file into the upload box, or (b) select the Add file icon > Upload a file > Choose File to pick a file from your computer.
- Subject: enter a brief description of your topic (required).

- Click Post to forum to finalize your post.