Title: About Quizzes, Tests, and Assessments (Sound Effect) [No Audio: Aboout Quizzes, Tests, and Assessments] (narrator) When it's time to take a quiz, test, or assessment, locate the activity within your course home page. Click the activity to open it. The quiz launch page opens. Be sure to read any directions on this page. You can find out here if it is possible to take this quiz more than once, for instance, or how it is being graded. When you are ready to start, click Attempt Quiz Now. Note, once you have begun an attempt, you cannot close the screen and return to the same attempt at a later date. Navigate through the quiz by answering the questions and continuing to the next question using the button on screen. Some quizzes allow you to skip around or return to questions you have previously answered, using the quiz navigation on the left side of the screen. The questions appear as square buttons on this menu. Pay attention to the directions during the quiz! If the quiz does not allow you to skip questions, you will be prevented from returning to unanswered questions you have skipped. As you answered questions within the quiz, you clicked a button to save them, but at the end of the quiz, you will often be prompted to review your answers and click the Finish Attempt button. This finalizes your answers. Then click Submit Answers to tell the Learning Management System to grade your attempt. On the last screen, you will receive a message telling you whether you passed the quiz. Every quiz is different, so the amount of feedback you get, the scoring information, and other details may vary.